
Monday, December 16, 2013

Vanilla Twilight

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you 
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad 
'Till I look at my hands and feel sad 
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

And I'll find repose in new ways 
Though I haven't slept in two days 
'Cause cold nostalgia 
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in Vanilla Twilight 
I'll sit on the front porch all night 
Waist-deep in thought because 
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone 
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink 
I'll think of you tonight 
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter 
And heavy wings grow lighter 
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew 
But I swear I won't forget you 
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past 
I'd whisper in your ear 
Oh darling, I wish you were here

Oh this song goes so deep into my heart :'( 

Vanilla Twilight by Owl City | Lyrics source | Watch in Youtube

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Not Feeling Gud

Feeling so so bad from the past 1 week.
Wanna cry a lot.
That's all.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Every time I feel sad, depressed, mad, and so negative, most of the time I deal and cope it by myself. I don't have much friends whom I can talk everything-at every time with, so I just take a deep breath and heal my mood alone. And it's never easy. Thank God for the internet. I find so many inspirations that make me become more positive and cheerful in life. One of the inspirations comes from itsjudyslife, a beautiful family which posts their daily activities video on youtube (if some time ago I liked to watch make up video, nowadays I really like baby and family-thingy). I really love to see how they live beautifully and consistently make daily record of it. My mood has always turned good after watching them. May God bless Judy, Benji, Julianna, and the-coming soon-twins always. Do watch 1 video of their daily life. I am sure you'll want to know more.

pict from itsjudytime instagram

Saturday, December 7, 2013

That Man and The Motorbike

I often think about going to places far away, trying new things, and doing adventurous kind of activities that--I thought--will make me happy. I often perceived that I am a traveler-girl. How I want to see myself in near future: already visiting places that I dream of, like eastern part of Indonesia, India (again!), and Japan.

But in the past few weeks--I really have no idea how this happen--my vision has completely changed. How I want to see my life in near future: going out from my workplace, walking toward a man (which I call husband) who has waited for me on his motorbike--picking me up from work then we ride home together. Just that's simple. No need to go any further than my workplace and I can already feel how happy it would be.

It only takes that man, who can diminish all my adventurous thought and instantly turn it into a world that is more peaceful than I ever imagine.

If God offered me which one to choose, I would definitely choose the second one; with that man and the motorbike of course.

Ameen, Ya Robbal'alamin...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Life of Me

I just watched Life of Pi today and I cried a lot :'(  :'(
*how can his life could be so tough like that and still survive...*

Pi has given me a reflection to my own life. No matter how hard the circumstances are, don't give up easily and don't be bad to everyone and everything around. Planet earth is very big, wild yet very beautiful. Don't be trapped inside your own life's bubble. Always have trust and positive thought to God's plan.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday's Resume

I was woken up by sudden heavy downpour at 3 AM this morning, then I continued my sleep and I got scary nightmare. It was like a chasing scene in a thriller movie and I was escaping myself from some people that wanna caught me. I was running, hiding myself, fighting, and swimming the river to get away from bandits that were trying to get precious things from me: my wedges and bicycle! What a strange scene. I got a bit breathless and scared feeling when I finally woke up at 5 AM :( *whew...

Still in the morning. After praying, I went jogging and accompanied my friend which took an exam for entering post-graduate study in UI. Wishing her for a good luck! :)

And by the afternoon, I got random ideas of having a hotel business. That time I was watching a news that talked about a hotel in Netherlands that has only 1 room but they take really good care of it and treat the guest to feel really like at home. Just a small room with 1 master bed, bathroom, small fridge, TV, aircon, and resto, but they are already full booked for a year! Wow! It's not them to get the customers, but customers that make queue for them! O la la!!!

Hmm... Yaa, the idea of business is already in mind. Please God, lead me and show me the way. Ameen.

You know, from many time I always perceived myself as someone who is never good in business. And if only I have to choose what kind of business I wanna to jump into, I might not opt for food and fashion business. I am still not 100% sure why, but it's not because I hate them. I love them, a lot! I love food and I like fashion, but I would give my hands up to turn things I love into business.

Ya, ya, ya. Let see. My planning so far is: if I didn't get accepted in government job, I would take teaching (or anything I love) as profession. Then I am gonna save my money and invest them in business, a nice and good one of course :)
Dear God, please give me strength to be persistent to make it true and please keep me away from laziness and keep me in healthy always. Ameen.

Oh ya, one more thing. I am seriously thinking of having a dog!

Good night!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Stress's Curing

Anytime you feel stressful, depressed, disappointing, gloomy, or... (in extreme case) thinking about ending up your life by committing suicide....

I advised you to watch video of this hilarious chef on youtube. Trust me... it will brighten up your mood and make up your mind in case you are thinking of committing suicide. I really can't help myself not to watch more and more of his cooking video.

Sooo insanely hilarious funny chef!!! Namaste!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Meet The Chapati

Soo craving for chapati, I decided to visit Plaza Festival's food court at Dapur Bollywood.

I ordered 'little star combo' menu --> 1 roti chapati, 1 eggplant and potato curry, 1 dhaal curry, 1 papada chip, and salad for Rp 40,000.

It was overall good and I got my craving paid, Alhamdulillah..... \(^_^)/

But... I got my curries a bit salty... and... since I was super hungry, this little set still leaves empty space inside my tummy.

I really really wanna give a try to make one by myself, I mean, a simple chapati one... 

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Play The Music

Just reached my room this afternoon after 3 days babysitting my sister. One thing I do right after cleaning and unpacking my stuffs is... playing Bollywood musics on my notebook!!!!!

I was soo sakau from some days without any rhyme of Bollywood musics.. :( :(

I really couldn't get any from my sister's playlist coz she really doesn't like that and also... no radio station plays them :( :( :(

Dear Allah...
Please shower me with Your rizki, so that I can get a nice smartphone or an iPod touch.

Monday, November 25, 2013

From Tablet

I am in Bandung currently to accompany my sister coz she is in need for an assistant in doing house hold work. She is terribly busy and not very well, so mom comanded me to go and help her.

Bandung... is a very very very nice city compared to the super crowded Jakarta *take a deep breath*

In Bandung, I can see people go to work freshly in morning with nice smile on their face...

While in Jakarta... smiling face to the workplace is very much rare. Everyone is busy with their earphone, gadget, and musk to cover their nose from polluted air.

Btw, now I am writing from my sister's tablet. This is y first time writing a blog post from a tab... which is quite uncomfortable.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Just found an innocent-old note which I wrote last year to join cooking competition Master Chef Indonesia 2012. Sadly I cancelled to submit this note due to my hectic assignments that time :'(

dulu saya gemar sekali dengan setiap makanan "balado" alias yang pedas-pedas, mulai dari ayam balado, telur balado, ikan balado, dan aneka sambel tentunya. namun setelah 2 tahun belakangan saya pindah ke jawa barat untuk meneruskan sekolah, cita rasa "balado" mulai luntur di lidah saya. sekarang saya malah menyukai masakan-masakan "bening" yang tidak banyak mengandung minyak dan cabai, seperti sayur hijau bening (bayam, kangkung, katuk), sayur asem, pepes jamur, tempe dan tahu bacem. selain itu saya juga menggemari makanan gurih-manis yang baru saya kenal setelah saya tinggal di jawa barat, yaitu getuk dan gandasturi. selera saya tidak macam-macam, tidak ada mekanan yang saya sangat gilai dan tidak ada yang saya sangat tidak sukai.

orang pertama yang mengenalkan saya pada dunia masak-memasak adalah ibu saya. sedari kecil saya sudah sering diminta ibu untuk menolong memasak di dapur karena memang kami tidak mempunyai pembantu. saya ingat sekali sewaktu kelas 5 SD ibu memasak di kompor, dan saya mencuci tumpukan piring kotor di sebelahnya. sembari mencuci piring saya suka memperhatikan ibu memasak, mulai dari cara mengaduk masakan, membalikkan masakan saat di goreng, serta tahap-tahap memasukkan bahan makanan ke dalam kuali. namun saya sering merasa bosan dan capek karena setiap hari harus mencuci piring.hal itu membuat saya menjadi malas-malasan jika dipanggil ibu untuk ke dapur.

kemudian ibu mulai mengajari saya cara menyiangi sayuran, membersihkan lauk (ikan, ayam, daging), dan mengiris-iris bahan masakan. seiring berjalannya waktu tanpa sadar saya mulai fasih berada di dapur, tidak hanya mengolah bahan makanan tapi juga berbelanja ke pasar, memilih bahan makanan yang segar, hingga membersihkan dapur setelah memasak.

walaupun dibesarkan di Padang, namun sejujurnya saya tidak begitu terampil memasak masakan Padang seperti rendang, gulai, asam-pedas, dan sebagainya karena saya memang tidak begitu menyukainya. saya hanya memasak 3 jenis makanan: yang saya sukai, yang orang-orang rumah sukai, dan masakan yang kelihatannya enak yang saya lihat di TV/majalah. saya biasanya memasak masakan rumahan a la Indonesia seperti tempe-tahu goreng, soup ayam, soup sayur, dan aneka tumis-tumisan. di waktu senggang saya juga suka memasak cemilan seperti donat, klepon, bubur kacang ijo, dan lumpia.

masakan saya biasa dinikmati oleh orang rumah, namun biasanya saya memasak cemilan dalam jumlah banyak, kemudian diantar ke tetangga dan ke saudara yang rumahnya tidak jauh dari rumah saya. untuk cemilan, rata-rata respon yang diberikan cukup baik, bahkan ada yang request untuk tambah lagi.

masalah rasa, pada awal kegiatan memasak sendiri di rumah, cukup banyak keluhan karena masakan saya selalu tawar alias kurang garam, dan kadang-kadang kalau masak sayur masih kurang matang (masih keras).

kejadian tidak terlupakan saat memasak...

adalah saat memasak pada bulan puasa. sebenarnya tidak ada yang begitu spesial, namun memasak saat bulan puasa memberikan kesan tersendiri di hati saya karena suasana memasak bersama serta menu-menu manis yang jarang dimasak pada hari-hari biasa menjadi sesuatu yang tidak terlupakan bagi saya.

pertama kali tentu saja dari ibu. ibu mengajari mengolah masakan untuk makanan sehari-hari di rumah. dimulai dari kelas 5 SD saya sudah diajari untuk akrab dengan dapur. kemudian salah seorang tante saya yang mahir memasak juga suka mengajari saya memasak. beliau tinggal di Banten, dan jika pulang kampung ke Padang, sering membawa oleh-oleh makanan yang "asing" bagi kami. beliau juga yang mengenalkan saya dengan bahan-bahan makanan yang saat itu hanya bisa saya lihat di TV, seperti jamur, kulit lumpia, tek-wan, sosis (beliau yang pertama kali mengenalkan sosis kepada saya), sphagetti, bubur ayam, soup ayam, dan makanan-makanan yang tidak pernah dimasak oleh ibu saya sebelumnya.

sekarang setelah saya melanjutkan sekolah di jawa barat, intensitas saya bertemu beliau menjadi lebih sering, karena setiap bulan saya pulang ke rumahnya dan selalu memasak bersama.
untuk saat ini tidak (belum) ada yang saya ubah karena saya memang belum berkarir secara profesional. karena masih berstatus mahasiswa, menjadi profesional dalam bidang kuliner menjadi salah satu pilihan yang cukup serius.

saya ingin sekali mendalami bidang kuliner vegetarian dan kuliner sehat, yang tidak sebatas hanya kuliner Indonesia, Western, Asia, dan sebagainya. namun saya ingin menjadi profesional dalam kuliner sehat dan bergizi seimbang. seperti diketahui bersama, trend kuliner saat ini  adalah yang mengutamakan cita rasa dan penampilan. memang hal tersebut penting, tapi akan jauh lebih penting lagi jika makanan tersebut mengandung gizi yang seimbang dan kalori yang tidak berlebih. karena (nantinya) sebagai koki profesional, kita yang bertanggung jawab atas kesehatan masyarakat melalui makanan yang kita sajikan.

menurut saya, saya adalah orang yang indecisive, artinya saya bukan tipe orang yang cocok untuk menjadi pemimpin karena saya tergolong orang yang plin-plan. saya tidak begitu banyak bicara, namun bukan berarti sangat pendiam. saya tidak neko-neko dalam menjalani hidup, menyukai tantangan, namun sayangnya saya bukan orang yang ambisius. saya juga termasuk orang yang cukup disiplin karena saya tidak suka menunggu dan ditunggui orang.

orang-orang terdekat saya menilai saya sebagai orang yang ramah, pengertian, plin-plan, mandiri, berpikiran terbuka, iseng. sebaliknya ada yang mengatakan bahwa saya adalah orang yang cool dan kalem. selain itu juga ada yang mengatakan saya orang yang sopan dan disiplin.

saya lahir di padang, sumatera barat sebagai anak ke 2 dari 4 bersaudara. bapak saya adalah seorang pedagang dan ibu saya adalah seorang guru SD. saudara laki-laki tertua saya sedang menempuh pendidikan di sebuah perguruan tinggi dan kedua adik saya sedang menempuh pendidikan SMA di kota padang.

kami besar di keluarga yang sederhana dan bahagia, alhamdulillah kami bisa mengenyam pendidikan yang baik hingga saat ini dari hasil keringat kedua orang tua kami. secara ekonomi, kami termasuk keluarga dengan ekonomi cukup, tidak pernah kekurangan, namun juga tidak melimpah ruah.

bapak memiliki usaha dagang di sebuah daerah di Riau, jadi beliau tidak selalu tinggal di rumah. 2 minggu di Riau, kemudian 1 minggu pulang ke padang, namun seringkali lebih lama di Riau.

sementara ibu saya adalah guru SD. beliau sudah menjadi guru semenjak sebelum menikah dengan bapak, namun beliau bukanlah seorang pegawai negeri. kedua orang tua kami mendidik kami untuk menjadi anak yang jujur dan penuh tanggung jawab.

saya sendiri lahir, besar, dan bersekolah di padang. selama 12 tahun masa pendidikan SD hingga SMA, tidak ada prestasi yang begitu menyolok. semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan bahagia.

selepas SMA saya melanjutkan pendidikan ke sebuah perguruan tinggi di jawa barat mengambil jurusan kesehatan masyarakat. berpisah dengan seluruh keluarga pada awalnya sangat berat, namun setelah dijalani, saya mulai terbiasa dan menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap pendidikan dan kehidupan saya sendiri.

tahun pertama berkuliah, saya tinggal di asrama mahasiswa. di asrama ini, tidak ada fasilitas untuk kegiatan masak-memasak. saya yang pada awalnya terbiasa makan dengan masakan rumah merasa cukup repot untuk beradaptasi dengan masakan kantin.

pada tahun kedua, saya pindah dari asrama dan tinggal di kost-kostan. saya sangat berbahagia karena di kost-kostan ini tersedia dapur yang bersih dan lengkap. saya memang tidak bisa memasak setiap hari karena harus berkuliah, tapi di akhir minggu saya biasa memasak makanan ringan sendiri. yang sering saya masak adalah bubur kacang ijo.

hobi utama saya adalah membaca dan olah raga. untuk membaca, saya tidak memiliki bahan bacaan spesifik karena pada dasarnya saya gemar membaca apa saja terutama koran dan majalah. untuk olah raga, saya gemar lari pagi alias jogging. saya terbiasa lari pagi di akhir pekan dan terkadang saya juga berlari sore. selain jogging saya juga gemar bermain bulu tangkis dan bersepeda.

selain membaca dan olah raga saya juga gemar mendengarkan musik dan jalan-jalan.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Vah Chef

Being so depressed, I switched on and off my notebook over and over. Then I decided to watch food video on youtube and I stumbled upon this hilarious funny Uncle with his Biryani recipe.

Thanks for returning back smile to my face... and for making me drooling also...

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I miss Indian food... So I do browsing to find recipe for Indian Roti named Chapati.

Aand... It has successfully made me craving more and more... *drooling*

I really really wanna give a try to make it with my sweet hands... But as I read on some online recipe, it uses whole wheat flour named Atta flour... And I think it's not gonna work well with Indonesian Segitiga Biru flour :'( :'(

Here goes the curry to accompany the Chapati...

Here is an Indian Uncle shows us how to make another Roti named Naan

New Flat

I just bought a new flat...

It's quite accidental actually coz I initially had no intention to buy anything when walking into the store, hehehe.. But but... I am pretty much sure that I am in need for a pair of nice flat that can be worn to work or any formal events since my 2 flats are way too casual (I felt  like I wanna go to college every time I wear them).

Alhamdulillah... :) :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Me Want...

A new eyeliner pencil...


... and new lipstick(s)

Becoz I just realized that both are my fav make up items ♥ ♥ 

I hope I will purchase them next month and surely will post it here :) :)



Friday, November 8, 2013


I am so b.o.r.e.d.d today.

Nothing much to do as always... but but but... Alhamdulillah I am half way to get employed now... Yeaaayy!!!

Yesterday I went for the interview and I guess... I would like to work there. And oh ya, I have to get 2 or 3 days training before I officially start working. So let see...  Hope that this one would really fits my passion and capability. Ameen...

========================BREAKING NEWS========================

my newest profile picture on FB

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Heavy Windy Rain

It's heavy windy rain here at my place...

*video by me*

Cutting The Jeans

Happy Islamic New Year 1435 Hijriyah....

Hopefully we can make this year way better than previous years in achieving our goals, doing happy and healthy lifestyle, performing our ibadah, and... everything... :)

So... To start the day, I decided to do jeans reparation...

Not bad... as it's just to be worn as home pants...

And... My friend shared this kuwaci (sunflower seeds) for afternoon snacks at TV room :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Family

This is a story of an indigenous Indonesian personality:

Once upon a time, there was a couple expecting the birth of their second child. They've already had a 2-year old little son, so they really expected for a baby girl to complete their happiness.

22 October 1991, God answered their prayer. A sweet little girl born and completed the happiness of that couple. That little baby girl was: me.

My brother and I grew up healthily and happily, showered by bunch of loves from parents, relatives, and our surroundings. I was soo happy to be center of attention as the youngest kid on the family.

My happiness as the youngest kid on the family didn't last long. 2 little bastards suddenly came to the world and took everything from me (just kidding bro!).

Time goes so fast like the wind...

Now here they are... The 4 little kids who used to fight for foods, toys, and TV remote have been growing up, pursuing their dreams in whichever field they take.

And last but not least... They are on their way dedicating their live for the beloved parents :)

Where The Water Goes....

I've always been wondering in the past few days: why every time I soaked my clothes into detergent and left them for 30 minutes, the water disappeared?

Why oh why???

I then started thinking suspiciously...

Was it because of my detergents that worked very deadly... or... bad quality of the water... or... some odd creatures lived on my bathroom and drunk detergent water... or....????

After view days living in curiousness, today I finally found the answer: it's because of the crack on the base of my bucket... 

innocent view

hey hey... what is that??

Ok... There you are.... the tiny crack

I can't help my self not to laugh out coz I've been overthinking that some black magic must have happened there...

Apologize to my detergent buddy... I know you are too innocent to consume all the water, hehehe...

*not a sponsored stuff*
Lesson learned:
Don't think superstition easily. Think logically, and seek out for the reasonable fact.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I will have exam for a government job tomorrow.
Wismilakk :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Meet The Author

Ho ho ho...
I wanna share my pix with authors of books that I love. Start with....

Trinity from Naked Traveler. That time was the launch of her newest Naked Traveler series and also the last meet and greet before she left Jakarta for 1 year-Round The World-trip. It has been 1 year now and she has successfully made her Round The World-trip. Salute for her.

Bcoz of attending her book's launch, I finally visited Grand Indonesia mall for the 1st time  ^^

Rini Raharjanti from Rp 3juta-an Keliling India dalam 8 Hari. I accidentally met her at the Trinity's book launch. Never wanted to skip the chance, I greeted her and got my book signed. Yeay! I also told her about my plan to visit India was inspired by her book and she wished me a very warm good luck!

Nice and friendly author :)

Ade Nastiti from Two Travel Tales: Menguak Eksotika India dan Nepal. This was also an accidental meeting. In the beginning of February 2013, I went to a tourism seminar that was held by India Embassy and surprisingly she was one of the guest speaker. Lucky me, I got a seat next to her and we had a nice conversation for couple minutes. She is such a warm personality. I wanna be like her someday :)

Nice selfie pict with the author :)

Agustinus Wibowo from Titik Nol. He is one of the most-wanted authors that I really want to take pict with (besides Andrea Hirata of course). He authored 3 books which all are talking about his journey traveling to Middle Asia, visiting not-popular countries which are mostly full of conflicts such as Afghanistan and other -stan's countries. Even though I have read only 1 of his books, I am already in love with him the way he writes his adventurous journey. I am now saving my money to buy the rest 2 books of him.

He is not really tall actually, hehehe...
Btw, I used to have cheers-smile when posing on photograph, but why did I smile like that in this pict???

Selain itu... I also really really want to meet and take pict with these famous people:
- Andrea Hirata --> author
- Bara Pattiradjawane --> chef
- Shah Rukh Khan --> actor
- Saina Nehwal --> badminton athlete
- Diana Rikasari --> blogger

Wish me luckk... d(^_^)b

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Main Rang Sharbaton Ka

Bollywood time agaaaiiinnn....
I love the lyrics of this song...

Feel Positive

I am feeling so positive this morning... So relax and happy

Padahal one of my job applications just got unaccepted, tapi heran kok I just feel Ok. Little bit disappointed of course -__-, but it's totally Ok for me. No hard feeling coz I know that it's not really match my passion and personality.

Now I am back to look up for job vacancies while waiting for an application process. 
Hope that I can get a good job soon. Ameen.

Gud Morninggg...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Turning 22

I am officially 22 year old today...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013


I dunno what to post so I think it's best to keep it untitled.

I guess I am getting boreddd... Nothing much to do as a job seeker except waiting for the interview date... and it really tests my patience and persistence to keep following my conscience =___=

Btw, I am getting bored writing in English.. not bored butt.. maybe... I only think that some thoughts, feelings, and jokes which are Indonesia banget just can't be delivered in English.. and vice versa I guess. Some English ideas are not very well delivered using Bahasa Indonesia. Whatta power of language...

And oh ya, it happens with local language also. Sometimes when I scroll up and down on facebook seeing news from my friends, I just can't help myself not to laugh out loud when seeing funny pictures and reading any status and comments in my local language which is Bahasa Minang. The comments are often sooo funny and ridiculous which I am sure that it can't be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia tho, the kind of sense of humor that only be owned by those who speak Bahasa Minang. Yaa, I think sense of humor is an integral part of a culture, and it's already built in with the people.

Hmmm... Apa lagi yahh...

Oh ya, I really really hope that I can get a real full-time job in very soon. I (secretly) hope that it would be government job but as fresh grad, I am also Ok with private job as long as it fits my passion and skills. For everybody who reads this please say Ameen....

Thanks   n____n
Terima kasih   n____n

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Idul Adha Story

I spent Idul Adha this year by visiting my sister in Bandung. This was the 2nd time for me spending Idul Adha by visiting her in Bandung and... this was the worst I guess coz we unintentionally skipped the Idul Adha prayer -____-

We were actually ready to go at 6.00 AM but my sister requested me to wait for her friends, so we waited for them for more than 30 minutes -____-

Our plan to have pray at Masjid Salman ITB suddenly failed when we saw people almost done doing prayer in our way to Masjid Salman, hiks hikss..

Taking this pix while waiting for friends, never expected that prayer had probably been started at this time
Since we couldn't join the prayer, we then decided to join at the last row listening to khutbah Idul Adha. I was really really sad and angry at the same time while my sister kept saying sorry sorry but she oddly had some laugh -________-

Another issue that we faced after (the failed) prayer was seeking for food. Not much restaurant were open as it was national holiday. After walking for some distances, I finally found a small traditional food stall. I got Nasi Kuning for my breakfast in  holy Idul Adha and I did it alone coz my sister was busy for moving to a new hostel and she didn't want to eat at that morning, how saddd :( :( :(

My mom called us and asked how is your Idul Adha. We told her about our sad Idul Adha morning and that instantly made her sad :( :(

She then told us that at home, she had ketupat, gulai rebung, rendang, kerupuk etc etc *loud screaming* *drullll*

And fact that she become sad listening to our terrible Idul Adha made me fall into deeper sadness :( :( :(

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How To Find Your Passion

That would be one of the most confusing question for fresh grad like me, especially in determining the right choice for career path or future education plans. Even until now, I am still on contemplating to find out what my passion really is.

One certain thing is, I love education. Literally meaning, I love to be a teacher. Even though I haven't got education in teacher's course, I just love to be a teacher. Besides of becoming a teacher, my other loves are: English, writing, and sports. So, based on those loves, what kind of job that would suit me? Hmm... Hard question.... I still dunno the answer  =_=

But but but, few days ago when I was in super-crowded commuter train I accidentally found the way to find out what your real passion is.

That time I stranded in front of 2 ladies which had a conversation about children. One lady whose voice sounded so peaceful and educated resembled a psychologist lecturer while another lady looked like a post-graduate student. Their conversation about how to educate children with special needs caught my attention and I suddenly dissolved into it. They talked about how is it significant to give your full attention to your children so that you can detect if there is something wrong with them in early stage. They concluded that it's very important to a woman to be smart both in education and life skills becoz once you become a woman, you will become a wife and then mom for your children. You are the one that hold the key to determine what kind of family that you would develop: the nice and healthy one or the bad one.

The lecturer-look like lady really mesmerized me from the way she talks and the way she matches her outfits. I silently looked at her from the top to toe while my ears kept on the conversation and she looked so stylish ^_^.

I instantly say to myself: I wanna be like her. Which means, I want to be a woman which has good knowledge about education, and hopefully can work in education field which allows me to keep updated about education. I just love love to be involved in such kind of topics in which I can learn more and more.

I might have stranded upon someone else with another topic of conversation but I am not really sure that I would be as exciting as I did. I (secretly) listened to people's conversation quite often but I have never been as exciting as this one.

So, here I come to a simple conclusion to find out what is your passion?

It is a very simple thing that you would love to talk about no matter how tired or how bad mood you are. If it can instantly catch your mood, then there it is: your passion.

Out Of Goodbyes

I occasionally play this song when I feel flat or empty.
Even though I don't really understand what the lyrics mean, I just like it.

Monday, October 7, 2013

When A Companion Gone

I just lost my best companion buddy Sony Ericsson J10i2 :(

It was 3 days ago, when I failed of attention for my Sony. Either it fell down from my pocket, someone pick-pocketed it out of my consciousness, or I put it somewhere carelessly, it leaves me a big condolence.

Sony has been my companion for 3 years and no one can replace its place. Even though he is not a smart-phone, he has everything that makes me complete. He is a very very user-friendly. I can type SMS, call a number, create my own notes, folders, reminders, etc easily. I can check my facebook, email, and news at any time. I already put loads of songs and video to be listened trough handsfree and that has become my habit. Can you imagine how it feels when you lost something (or someone) that has completed your life? That is what I am feeling now. I have tried my best to track him in every possible ways but it seems that he has moved to another hand :'(

This is my first time (and I hope for the last) losing my mobile and the fact that I put some important notes and logged in on email and facebook makes me extra cautious. I directly changed my email, facebook, and account's passwords because they are all written in my draft, starts from my complete name, address, ID card number, and also passport number (ouccchhhhh!!!!!).

From this accident, I learn that it's very important to memorize some important numbers of friends and family. And also, have a hard copy of all contact numbers in your mobile, just like what we used to do before the mobile was invented.

For temporary use, now I have bought a very basic Samsung mobile just for call and SMS. Still, I have a little hope that my Sony will find its way back home. Really, it's very hard for me to move on. No matter it's the era of smart phone, Sony is always my forever love.

When I went to market to buy the basic Samsung, I found out that type of my Sony is not in market anymore. Even I couldn't find any of the the second-hand. I wondered, why did Sony and Ericsson divorced? They had invented some brilliant sweet babies like my Sony, and it supposed to make them become a very happy and wealthy parents.


Now where should I go to get a precisely-same Sony?

I really don't care about others, I only want my type of Sony.


*gagal move on*

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Unhappy Feet

My feet hurt...
...becoz of my new-red-flat shoes.
I bought them just few days after Eid for only Rp80,000, but now let see what they are doing on me...
They hurt my feet very hard that it got swollen and painfully sore. 
Always keep in mind, that quality comes with the prices. I will do in future, if I got to buy something, I will make sure that it's made of good materials and also comfortable to wear. It's better to wait a little bit and save some money to spend for the worth-having item.

My sore feet... :'( :'(

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I See God('s Love) in You

I love this song.

It's true, very true, that we can see God's love from the people that love us, so that we feel loved, secure, and happy.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Thanks God I am officially graduated from university.

And of course I am proud to be an alumni of Universitas Indonesia. Yes, I have passed 8 semesters as undergaduate students of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia. Even though I haven't got any notable achievements during my study (yes, I am just a so-so student), I am just happy to be the way I am. Did I change? Yes. Compared to the way I was 4 years ago, I have changed. A lot! From the knowledge-based about my study, the way I think and appreciate life, the way I see my country, and the way I look (of course lah).

The convocation day of Universitas Indonesia was celebrated in a very glorious ceremony that made it very memorable for every graduate student. Not much picts were taken due the overcrowd of the venue, but it's ok lah for me as I am not a self-centered who loves to take pict of me-and-only-me  (at least when I am in public venue, hihihi...).

Now, here I come to the new chapter in life. Gonna get a fine job which fits my passion and skills(?) and gives me nice amount of salary to finance my own spending and be saved on investment. That's all for now.

Here are some pictures, taken by friends and beloved brother and cousins. Remember, there is always someone behind every good pictures of yourself. So don't forget to appreciate them.

Loving this pict and my pink dress as well <3

Will miss you guyss...

PS: Tons of thanks for my cousin who patiently and generously drove the car to the way out from university complex trough the crazy-ass traffic jam. God bless you, abang...

Friday, August 23, 2013


I've been doing contemplation lately, about my self, what would I do for future after graduating, what kind of job I'd like to take, what kind of thing I would give back to my beloved family and people around me, which city should I apply to work: this city, my hometown, other cities, or maybe another country, what about continuing my life with a nice man who loves me, and so on....

And my biggest contemplating mostly taken place at 36,000 feet high, when I was boarding the airplane. I don't know why, but I used to overthink being inside the airplane, especially when the plane got turbulence. All kind of emotions, hopes, fears, and expectation mixed in time and instantly made me feel small, very small. As I stepped my feet to the ground, I have always recalled those feelings to remind me to take the right step in life, not to give up easily, and most importantly not to be lazy.

Okay... Contemplation closed... I am not in mood to be serious today as weather is sooooo enormously hot.
And... Something interested that I'd welcome in very soon is..... THE GRADUATION DAY!!!!
It will be held on 30 August 2013, right in 7 days ahead, and I just finished washing 1 dress and 1 kebaya to be worn at the D-day. I soak my them in extra dose of Downey softener for almost 30 minutes to make the perfume sink into every single of the fiber cloth, hahaha.... *lebay*. Now that the sun shines very strongly this afternoon, I hope my clothes would be drying in very well.

Lasly... I really like watching makeup tutorial on youtube for my reference in doing my own makeup for the graduation. I then became familiar with some of youtube vlogger (video-blogger) celebrities such as Michelle Phan. I first thought that Phan is an Indonesian descent coz she really really looks like my senior in college. Later I found out that she is Vietnamese living in the U.S. She has been doing makeup vlogging since 2007 and I can't deny to give my thumbs up for her make up tutorials.

Besides of Phan, I also like Chloe Morello. She is from Australia and guess what... she is the same age as me.... 22... and has become a famous vlogger... *singing Taylor Swift's 22*
I love her accent, her facial feature, and the way she demonstrated makeup tutorials, and... oh ya... she also made makeup tutorial for Eid look for Muslims also, which is very nice of her...

That's all for today.... and 1 more thing...
I'll have my TOEFL Test tomorrow... Please give me a wish to pass it with excellent score, ok...
My previous score was 533, taken on 2011. For now, I will do my best for 550 and above... Ameen...

Monday, August 19, 2013

How to Deactive A Cat

Just found this surprising fact on tumblr...
It's about how to deactive your cat

It's said that cat has an instinct to stop moving when picked up by the scruff of the neck, as that's how a mother cat gets her kittens places.
What a WOW....!!!
*evil smile to my super naughty cat*

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I am down with stomachache...
I thought it was maag (heart burn/peptic ulcer) coz the pain that squeezes my tummy is like comes and goes, but I strangely just had 2 3 times liquid poo in a row (hiiiyyy.....)

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Most Painful Pain

I remember one day, one of my friend posted a status on facebook. I was trying to copy-paste it but sadly I couldn't find it on her timeline (maybe it’s been deleted or drown in other facebook posts), so let me write it here using my simple words:
Which one is the most painful: the relationship in which you become the lone admirer without getting any feedback and keep loving someone in silence, or the relationship which is full of love from the both of the side but then you realize that it’s impossible to be together?
So my answer would be the second one. Coz there is expectation in between.
And EXPECTATION does give you the most painful pain.

Btw, besides of that, one thing that currently gives me the most painful pain is . . . . . . . . .
. . . . the growth of my last molar tooth.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fill In The Blank

I don't know why but I just feel so ....... lately. 
No idea about which word fits the blank best:
Need some sunshine, excitement, and positive energy. 
I am gonna sleep now

Monday, July 29, 2013

He..He..Hello Hometown!!!

I am going mudik to spend Ramadan and Hari Raya holiday at my hometown.
As I landed my ass here, I surprisingly got tons of greetings from the major candidates of the city spreading along the road. Few faces are familiar but the rest are new for me. One thing in common: the purpose behind the customized smile --> you know what I mean lah... :p
Duh, politics... politics...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

From Cookies to Commuter to Oppo

Last week I went to aunty's house to make sweet cookies for Eid. We made 3 cookies: putri salju, nastar, and kastengels.

This week I joined a research conducted by a lecturer in my college's department. I was ordered to collect data by spreading questionnaire sheet to 8 respondents in South Jakarta's area. To mobilize myself, I take commuter train, angkot, and ojek. This time I would acknowledge to Jakarta's commuter train which has got a great-real-visible improvement, starts from it's comfort, frequency, punctuality, and also its progressive price. I can't imagine what would it be if the commuter schedules are still in mess, packed by hawkers, mean passengers, no aircon, no female coach, and take the flat cost no matter how short your travel.... BHHAHHHH... I might turn crazy in second.

From that, the more I realize how significant the presence of mass transportation in this capital city. It's time to abandon riding wheel's vehicle and turn to fast and efficient transportation like commuter train. I hope the manufacturing of Jakarta monorail will become real in very soon, so that the people in this big-ass city can travel in convenient and efficient ways.

Lastly... I am in bad emotion noww..... GHHRRAAHH...

I joined a photo competition #frameorama that offers Oppo smartphone and a trip to Raja Ampat to the winners...but... I can't upload my photo today... WHAT THE F@*#!NG HAPPENED??? 

I have uploaded 1 photo yesterday, but suddenly I can't do it today coz they ask me to "Like" its facebook fanpage. Ok, I immediately opened my facebook and hit "Like" button on Oppo fanpage, but I still could't upload my photo :( :( :(

I have tried to upload it again and again but it ended bad... I accidentally made mistake by deleting my yesterday's photo and my photo's point is now BIG ASS ZERO!!!!


I m not that ambitious one to chase for it's Raja Ampat trip, nooo. All I really need is the smartphone. You know, I am still using conventional mobile. Not to say that I am an old fashion one, but I am not that type of person who follow trend of gadgets. Yeah... I admit that it's also coz of lack of money, and I personally would't ask for money to my parents for those kind of things. That is why I will start considering for it when I think I am really in need. And now this is the time. All of my friends today are connected with loads of mobile messenger application, such as BBM, Whatsapp, Line, Kakao Talk, WeChat, etc... excluding me :'(

All informations, discussions, and news are all broadcasted through those messengers. I am the only one who got them from SMS, which mostly come late :'(

Once I got that the competition offers a smartphone, I joined it with my full passion to chase that smartphone, but what happen noww...??? YUCKKK!!!!

Ah... Let's try some hours ahead... If it's still not working... Just leave that...